This page details some of the features of Auto CCM and how you can use them.
Many Auto CCM features can be accessed via the Auto CCM menu, which is a bar at the top of each notebook. The following list comprehensively details what the buttons of this menu do.
If you do not yet understand what some of the following buttons mean, other sections on the page will provide further explanation.
The ability to automatically or semi-automatically format math in Courseware is Auto CCM's raison d'être. We've made a YouTube video to help you out:
There are also text-based instructions below:
You can always stop the semi-automaticformatting process prematurely using Ctrl+/ or .
In some instances, you may click away from the highlighted portion of math, unhighlighting it. You can rehilight the current selection without advancing to the next instance of unformatted math using Ctrl+. or .
If Auto CCM has erroneously selected some text that should not be formatted, you can skip the selection using Ctrl+, or .
The Auto CCM options menu can be accessed by clicking the Auto CCM icon in your browser's taskbar.
The following settings can be set in the options menu:
Auto CCM includes a bar that allows you to modify the styling of text in notebooks.
The following options are available in the text formatting menu.
This feature can be enabled or disabled in the options menu. It is enabled by default. You can also modify the list of fonts available in the options menu.
When a notebook has been modified since it was opened or last saved, a red dot will appear next to the Save button to indicate that there may be unsaved work in the notebook.
This feature may be enabled or disabled in the options menu. It is enabled by default.
You will only receive a warning dialog to confirm your decision to close a Try-It, return to the dashboard, or leave the page as a whole when you may have unsaved work in the area being closed.
This feature may be enabled or disabled in the options menu. It is enabled by default.
By default, CAS-ILE disables spell checking. We think this is the wrong option for a platform for submitting college homework assignments. Auto CCM allows you to spellcheck the content of your CAS-ILE text cells. Please note that you must have spellcheck enabled in your browser and in the Auto CCM options menu to use spellchecking. See the relevant instructions for your browser to enable spellcheck:
This feature may be enabled or disabled in the options menu. It is enabled by default.
In January 2021, the default look of CAS-ILE changed. Some students did not like the new look. In response, Auto CCM version 2.7 was released, which allowed CAS-ILE users to switch back to the old theme, dubbed "Courseware Classic" by the Auto CCM development team.
Courseware Classic may be enabled or disabled in the options menu. It is enabled by default.
The menu background color may be changed in the options menu. This changes the color of the Auto CCM menu, the options menu, and various other places.
In Chrome, clicking on the Auto CCM icon in the taskbar will open a menu that provides links to CAS-ILE, Wolfram Mathematica documentation, and this page.
Auto CCM allows you to use Tab and Shift+Tab to navigate around your notebook effectively, a feature that does not work correctly in the vanilla CAS-ILE.